Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I think we've stumbled on one of the most horrific science projects for 2006. This thing looks like something right out of the old black and white films of people trying their latest aviation experiment while jumping off a bridge. The only difference is this one seems to work....thank the Florida God of Floating!

Truth be known, Mommy found this contraption at the store and I loved it. I totally hung with all the pool vets in the family and we had a grand time. I don't know what this thing is called but it comes highly recommended....uh...for babies.


Sunday, September 17, 2006


ok - I know all of you have heard of Mini-me but look who I stumbled into?!?! My big sister is a mirror image of me - only 12 years apart! The ole girl still has the stuff ....and maybe a few more teeth. All I know is that we're bestest buds... NLC

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Local Girl "Finds Her Legs"

Local Girl "Finds Her Legs"
After several months of not being able to control her faculties, a local Northern Virginia girl has begun to get some controlled movement in her legs. When asked how she felt about these developments she replied, "da-da-da-da...", followed by a long raspberry/spitting type action that went on without end. Clearly excited, her parents expect additional developments to include, walking without aid of the walker-device, wearing of shoes and socks, bruising of the knees and the all around malaise one would expect from learning to walk.

As part one in the series, we'll follow this young lady through her trials and tribulations as she continues her upward climb toward functioning as a normal human being.

Several Pics to Make Up for My Neglegence

This is Cap and I during our vacation down to Florida over Labor Day weekend. I have a real penchant for trying to rip the lower lip off any mouth I can get my hands on.

Do Not Try This at Home.

Mommy and I hanging out in Florida. I swear she knows exactly what I'm going to do, way before I do it....it can be a real buzz kill, especially when I'm using my walker around the house.

Daddy and I hangin' down in F-L-A.

Gettin' our groove on.

Token Lobster Shirt from Aunt Kare - it totally worked down in The Sunshine State.