Monday, January 09, 2006

Leaving Las Vegas

I made my first trip to the City of Lights this past weekend. Mommy was very pleased with my behavior on the plane - GOLD STAR for ME! Daddy got us some stellar digs on the 60th floor of the Wynn Casino overlooking the Vegas Strip - the highest rooms in the city!

I was finally able to meet Grandpa Eddie! He was really nice and seemed to have an encyclopedic knowledge of horse racing - I think I'm covered if I ever need help in the sports book. I also met Uncle Brad and Aunt Karen who flew in from Irvine. They greeted me with a Paul Frank pillow so my surfing collectibles collection has begun! Finally, I met Aunt Molly and her son Sam and Aunt Spencer and her son Haskel. We all had a great time together, sitting around telling lies until the wee hours of the night (8:00PM.) Aunt Molly really took great care of us by letting us borrow her car and setting us up with a pack and play at the hotel!

Mommy and I are headed home on the redeye tonight - we're eager to get back home but the trip was filled with a slew of firsts for me, not the least of which was my first airplane ride!! We took lots of pictures but I haven't had the opporunity to post anything yet! I'll be sure to get to them as quick as I can!!


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