Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hee Haw, Along with Virginia Smalltown Girl Productions Presents...

...Children of the Corn, Part Deux

Mommy and Daddy decided it wasn't EVEN appropriate to show the bottom of my "cover all
skirt" outfit...they say it shows a little too much leg. Suffice to say, Daisy Duke is no competition for me and my hamhock-legs. I swear I look like I could go up against the finest sumo wrestler and hold my own.

My neck muscles are going to be right up there with the guys on the front line of the the Cleveland Browns if I maximize my time on my tummy.

The drool factor is high in this picture. I "gleeked" all over the sleeve of my shirt but that's fairly routine these days. Its a small price for the parental units to pay since I'm smiling more and more each day.

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