Sunday, July 29, 2007

Bro & Sis

Our latest excursion to Daytona Beach proved quite enjoyable. Here I am with my big brother who I depend on for constant stimulation. He's the best.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ground Zer0

Mommy, Daddy and I went over to hang in the city - we pulled right up under the World Trade Center "Pit" on the PATH train. It was a sobering sight. That didn't prevent Daddy from a feeble attempt at artistic impression by taking a snap of this plaque with Mommy and I's reflection in it. *sigh*



Update Hoboken

Its been four long months since my last post but I've been very busy. Long story short, I now live on the Hudson River overlooking the glorious Manhattan skyline. Its a far cry from Virginia horse country but I think the cosmopolitan life is growing on me. I've been frequenting the bathtub where I have a spread of toys....I must say its pretty a pretty cool place.

I will try and post more often but no guarantees since we're still trying to sell the old place in Virginny.


Friday, February 02, 2007

Blue Marbles at the Wedding

Sometimes the eyes seem a little overdone when the camera comes out.

We had a great time at Aunt Kare's Wedding in Phoenix a couple weeks ago, although the weather was very "un-desert-like" - snow was far too close for my liking.

We had an uneventful trip out and back on the plane. Mommy said Tay-tay and CJ were the biggest helpers while I more or less contended myself with being waited on.

Ah well - such is the life of a 15 month old.

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