Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christmas Morning with Tay-Tay

Just a quick note to let everyone know that my sister and I had a great time together Christmas morning. Mommy and Daddy thought this was a particularly good pic so we're sharing.

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Something Akin to Excrement But Tastier

Wow...this particular meal was full contact all the way. I found if you get it up your nostrils a certain way, it can have a very positive impact on the palate.

I think I would have been better off using the bowls on the floor behind me. BTW - those bowls are for the new puppy!!! Photos on that front shortly.


Chirstmas at Nicola's House

I would like to thank Santa for my red Ferrari. All in all, Christmas was a really great event. Much better than last year since I was only six weeks old at the time....ah, how time flies. I'd like to thank everyone for all the wonderful gifts - I really raked it in.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Children For Sale....Get Your Children Here!!

Wow - I had my Halloween Parade yesterday at school and I'm not sure I've ever been so traumatized. I'm sitting there, minding my own business when all of a sudden I'm thrown into a lobster costume, plunked down right next to a skunk and then paraded around the parking lot in front of literally hundreds of adults with cameras. Truly horrifying and humiliating.

On top of all that, every time I saw Mommy or Daddy I immediately felt compelled to burst into tears along with screams of bloody murder.

But after all was said and done, the parental units saved me from all the madness and whisked me away to the safety of home and a great meal (most of which I threw on the floor).


Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I think we've stumbled on one of the most horrific science projects for 2006. This thing looks like something right out of the old black and white films of people trying their latest aviation experiment while jumping off a bridge. The only difference is this one seems to work....thank the Florida God of Floating!

Truth be known, Mommy found this contraption at the store and I loved it. I totally hung with all the pool vets in the family and we had a grand time. I don't know what this thing is called but it comes highly recommended....uh...for babies.


Sunday, September 17, 2006


ok - I know all of you have heard of Mini-me but look who I stumbled into?!?! My big sister is a mirror image of me - only 12 years apart! The ole girl still has the stuff ....and maybe a few more teeth. All I know is that we're bestest buds... NLC

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Local Girl "Finds Her Legs"

Local Girl "Finds Her Legs"
After several months of not being able to control her faculties, a local Northern Virginia girl has begun to get some controlled movement in her legs. When asked how she felt about these developments she replied, "da-da-da-da...", followed by a long raspberry/spitting type action that went on without end. Clearly excited, her parents expect additional developments to include, walking without aid of the walker-device, wearing of shoes and socks, bruising of the knees and the all around malaise one would expect from learning to walk.

As part one in the series, we'll follow this young lady through her trials and tribulations as she continues her upward climb toward functioning as a normal human being.

Several Pics to Make Up for My Neglegence

This is Cap and I during our vacation down to Florida over Labor Day weekend. I have a real penchant for trying to rip the lower lip off any mouth I can get my hands on.

Do Not Try This at Home.

Mommy and I hanging out in Florida. I swear she knows exactly what I'm going to do, way before I do can be a real buzz kill, especially when I'm using my walker around the house.

Daddy and I hangin' down in F-L-A.

Gettin' our groove on.

Token Lobster Shirt from Aunt Kare - it totally worked down in The Sunshine State.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Affluent VA Girl Poses as Smarmy Peasant

I just love my new peasant blouse, especially when its time to hit the pool party over at the neighbors house. Those girls from Le Mis don't have costumes near as convincing.

Daddy says this blouse may fit my new socioeconomic profile soon if we're not careful. AOL isn't going to be payin' the bills for long! Oh I'm getting a head start on the new lifestyle.

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A Mother's Kiss

...not to get too sappy but Mommy rocks. I see her and basically my whole body smiles. Here's a pic of she and I in one of our quieter encounters. I asked Daddy to take a picture of this unusually solemn moment since these are fairly rare in our house. I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend!


Always Blame the Older Man.

ok, ok....guilty as charged, its been far too long since I've posted but really, I'm at the mercy of Daddy. Don't tell him I said so but it's really all his fault. You and I both know I can only contribute so much here. I mean I provide the visuals, the emotions, the spirit if you will to this whole experience. Daddy on the other hand is in charge of translating my true ethereal meaning into what you see here. It really is true, behind every good woman there is a loving, witty but aging and generally overweight man to help support her.

More pics to come soon - Daddy promises.

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!


Friday, May 19, 2006

Heat Meiser in Training

When prompted, curls do seem to be prevalent as demonstrated by this recent photo of Daddy and I right after bath time.

Bath time has become quite enjoyable - we do it right next to the mirror which always seems to prompt a strange baby to start her bath at the same time....curious.


Bed Spread

After yet another blog sebattical I've returned with more grippy photos of my tales. Last weekend I slept all the way through the night for the first time and right after I woke up from this banner night of REM sleep I promptly rolled over for the first time too!! Of course I haven't done either since but you can never take progress for granted - an important lesson for Mommy and Daddy.

This snap also confirms I have 10 toes and NONE of the "freak" variety...sorry Mommy.


Sunday, April 23, 2006


Happy Sunday friends! I'm reporting from the living room couch, your window to the world when it comes to the latest in blogging.

This week's fashion comes courtesy of Mommy as she has once again duped me into wearing the latest in baby-blog couture. Not without my protest mind you - it can be plainly seen on my left leg. I generally try to "break-in" all my new outfits immediately upon donning them but I was particularly pleased with my effort in this instance.

BTW, I'm getting close to rolling over and my feet are becoming much more interesting to play with lately.

May you all be blessed with duck feet.


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Bunny Rocks

Im waiting with bated breath for the rodent they call the Easter Bunny. I hear baskets full of chocolate and eggs hidden throughout the house are some of the things I should expect but since I can't walk and I'm still more or less on formula I'm relegated to observing one more time. I tell you, once I'm mobile Mommy and Daddy will wish they'd gotten a puppy instead.


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Lobster Trap

Sorry I haven't posted in a while - the family has been busy as heck and well, its tough for a girl like me to always make time for the Information Superhighway.

So as most of you know Mommy has this lobster kick - I'm not sure what drives this sickness but suffice to say, I have now fallen victim to it.

I'm lying around, trying to get "unconstipated" and after I finally leave Mommy and Daddy some truly unspeakable inventory in my diaper, next thing I know I'm thrown in the bath and I emerge as a billboard for Red Lobster. Perhaps I deserve it after a couple nights of keeping everyone up with my plumbing backed up but come on already. I'd like to think my 5 month birthday would have warranted something a little more sheek but


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Angel.....or Devil in Disguise??

Here's Mommy and Daddy's hack at a black and white portrait for my four month birthday - I think they may have gotten lucky.

Truth be known, it really does present me in a totally unrealistic, angelic light. Sometimes I think Mommy and Daddy expect my head to do a complete 360 and spew colorful fluid and profanity from my mouth...well, the spewing part actually happens often.


Hee Haw, Along with Virginia Smalltown Girl Productions Presents...

...Children of the Corn, Part Deux

Mommy and Daddy decided it wasn't EVEN appropriate to show the bottom of my "cover all
skirt" outfit...they say it shows a little too much leg. Suffice to say, Daisy Duke is no competition for me and my hamhock-legs. I swear I look like I could go up against the finest sumo wrestler and hold my own.

My neck muscles are going to be right up there with the guys on the front line of the the Cleveland Browns if I maximize my time on my tummy.

The drool factor is high in this picture. I "gleeked" all over the sleeve of my shirt but that's fairly routine these days. Its a small price for the parental units to pay since I'm smiling more and more each day.

Ferrari's Newest Fan

Today was a watershed event for me - my FIRST F1 Race, the Grand Prix of Bahrain! Mommy and Daddy made some comment that it was, "noon somewhere" and promptly broke open a few brewskies to celebrate the first race of the 9 in in the morning.

Daddy tells me Ferrari stunk up the place in 2005 but in my first race they finished second....not too shabby. If I didn't know any better, I'd think Michael Schumacher was a distant uncle the way his name is thrown around the house.

I thought English was going to be hard but all the F1 terminology is going to take a lifetime to learn but I'm well on my way.


Sunday, February 26, 2006

Take One More Photo and Its Curtains...

Sometimes Daddy gets a little carried away with the camera. My playtime gets cut into by the incessant flashing and begging for me to pay attention to the lens.

But every now and again there seems to be a shot worth sharing so in the name of diplomacy I've authorized the publication of this image.


Friday, February 24, 2006

Litter of Five for Adoption

...ok, just kidding. Jacob and Issac came to visit us from Ohio this past weekend and boy did we have fun. Well, they had fun while they played with Taylor and Connor. I just kind of sat around and made nice with everyone. It's difficult to act cheery when I haven't even learned to touch a finger to a nose, much less eat a couple of Krispy Kreme's with the rest of the lot. I gave Daddy my best Billy Idol, Rebel Yell impersonation for the photo - I think I pretty much nailed it.



Sunday, February 12, 2006

Let Them Eat Cake!

Daddy's hand can be intimidating, especially when its bigger than my head. But when it's got cake frosting on the tip of a finger all of those fears seem to wash away.

My first experience with the priceless material that we will call sugar, was an experience that rivaled birth itself.


Cake, Tea or Me?

Ok - this one's pretty cute if I must say so myself. Just thought I'd throw it in for good measure.

Although the white "body-sock" contraption I'm wearing is nice and warm, I'm not sure about the look. Makes me look like a fleshy marshmallow.


3 Months Old and Never Been Kissed

Mommy, Daddy, Tex (the armadillo) and I had ourselves some cake yesterday for a little belated celebration of my 3 month birthday. Daddy was gracious enough to put some frosting on the tip of his finger for me to enjoy. I knew there was a reason why I like him so much - sugar=good food!

Ironically enough, we had the biggest snow of my short life as well... 10"+ inches!! And I was just starting to think 50's-60's were the norm for winter in Virginia! I can't wait until I'm old enough to get out there and play in it!


Me and Tex

Daddy brought home a new friend for me from his trip to Austin this past week. Tex is a fuzzy armadillo who likes to hang out with me. So far he's been quite adept at avoiding my post-meal projectile spit-up. I only wish Daddy was fairing as well.


Sunday, February 05, 2006

Potif of the Pool

I was feeling Pope-like after I mastered the pool. Although the hooded towel was not necessarily high style, it certainly was warm and dry and that my friends is what it's all about.

I must say my first day at the pool was quite an adventure. I can't wait to get back and have another lesson - Michael Phelps eat your heart out!


Delectable Digits

This about sums up my whole life - Mommy holds me down and Daddy does something to amuse himself with some part of me!

Although potentially dangerous before we've had lunch, don't be alarmed, he's not really eating my toes. Please don't try this at home.


Three's a Crowd

I made the decision early on NOT to look straight at the camera. I figure playing a little difficult to get is all practice for when I get older and it really matters - can't start too early.

Mommy and Daddy sure were smiling a lot - I think they were amused at seeing me in my new "trunks".


Pool Party

Everyone seems thrilled with the water but for me, the jury is still out. I have to say the people watching was exceptional. I saw one little boy cross the pool deck at a good clip only to find himself immediately on his back when his little feet couldn't cope with the wet deck. Luckily nobody was hurt which was a good thing because Mommy and Daddy were trying not to laugh. Tay-tay and Connor were like two sharks in the pool - I have a long way to go before I catch up with them!



I am so I am getting my first swimming lesson from Daddy and I've got to admit, its like being tutored by Cornelius from the Planet of the Apes. If Daddy had all that back hair on his head he'd look like one of the Doobie Brothers from the 70's. Anyway, I was really diggin' the pool until Daddy put me all the way under - that really stomped my buzz.


Esther Williams Ain't Got Nothing on Me

I've detected a slight breeze and the distinct smell of CHLORINE! As is often the case, I feel I've totally exploited myself for the benefit of the blog. Lucky for all the readers, Mommy and Daddy are completely supportive of the practice.

Is your excitement building?


Quiet Before the Storm

I've donned the terrycloth robe and I'm ready for action...kinda. Clearly, I still haven't grasped what's about to happen. Daddy appeared sheepishly coy with me - I should have known he was up to something.

Wonder Twin Powers Activate

...form of sisters who are getting ready to go swimming! The one in yellow for the first time! I clearly don't know what's about to hit me!


Friday, January 20, 2006

Girls Gone Candyland

I think this constitutes the first picture of me wearing real people clothes. My stylish Candyland shirt with pants full o'hearts really makes me look mature - don't you think? Mommy was never into dolls but I think I'm her new Barbie.

Daddy on the other hand, swooned over me like a fine Italian sports car and I must admit, I liked it.


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Blog Evolves with Catchy New Title

After careful consideration and some trepidation I have decided to change the title of my little blog. I know, I know - some of you are asking yourselves, what gives you the right? Why didn't you ask first? Are you crazy? Did you ask your parents? Have you checked your diaper?

But like so many good things, we need to change and evolve over time, especially since we babies are changing so quickly at this stage of life anyway. So with that, we're moving to Inf@nt Girl until such time we move to something really creative like, "Toddler". I'm thinking of soliciting title recommendations for my next change so get those witty juices flowing, you've got at least ten or twelve months!

For those of you who are curious, Mommy and Daddy blessed this little change but don't think for a moment they had any say in the matter. After getting vaccines in both legs on Friday and crying bloody murder all afternoon I can pretty much get anything I want. They've fallen right into my steely web.

Oh ya, doctor update: I was 11lbs. 4 oz and a Yao Ming-like 23 inches tall/long! Doc was very pleased.


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Words from a Wise Sage

Grandpa Eddie and I hung out for a while in Vegas. We discussed the finer points of old Vegas burlesque shows, the six pack, hanging out on Fremont street back in the 40's and how the whole thing has gone to hell in a handbasket since the good ole days. Although I didn't hear him complain too much about the view from our room or the $40/head buffet at the Wynn.

I walked away from our convo like a young Jedi Knight filled with sage advice like, "always look for a good long shot" or "don't bet on the best odds horse, its like moving money from one pocket to another."
I'll look back on my days out west fondly. And as I look to the east toward home, I know when my turn comes to hit the strip, I'll reflect back on my quiet moments with Grandpa and look for that winning $2 bet just like he use to make.


Monday, January 09, 2006

Leaving Las Vegas

I made my first trip to the City of Lights this past weekend. Mommy was very pleased with my behavior on the plane - GOLD STAR for ME! Daddy got us some stellar digs on the 60th floor of the Wynn Casino overlooking the Vegas Strip - the highest rooms in the city!

I was finally able to meet Grandpa Eddie! He was really nice and seemed to have an encyclopedic knowledge of horse racing - I think I'm covered if I ever need help in the sports book. I also met Uncle Brad and Aunt Karen who flew in from Irvine. They greeted me with a Paul Frank pillow so my surfing collectibles collection has begun! Finally, I met Aunt Molly and her son Sam and Aunt Spencer and her son Haskel. We all had a great time together, sitting around telling lies until the wee hours of the night (8:00PM.) Aunt Molly really took great care of us by letting us borrow her car and setting us up with a pack and play at the hotel!

Mommy and I are headed home on the redeye tonight - we're eager to get back home but the trip was filled with a slew of firsts for me, not the least of which was my first airplane ride!! We took lots of pictures but I haven't had the opporunity to post anything yet! I'll be sure to get to them as quick as I can!!