Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ground Zer0

Mommy, Daddy and I went over to hang in the city - we pulled right up under the World Trade Center "Pit" on the PATH train. It was a sobering sight. That didn't prevent Daddy from a feeble attempt at artistic impression by taking a snap of this plaque with Mommy and I's reflection in it. *sigh*



Update Hoboken

Its been four long months since my last post but I've been very busy. Long story short, I now live on the Hudson River overlooking the glorious Manhattan skyline. Its a far cry from Virginia horse country but I think the cosmopolitan life is growing on me. I've been frequenting the bathtub where I have a spread of toys....I must say its pretty a pretty cool place.

I will try and post more often but no guarantees since we're still trying to sell the old place in Virginny.