Thursday, November 17, 2005

Clean Up, Aisle 3.

Although Daddy has certainly been toting his fair share of the load, hanging out with Mommy is like a long day at the spa. I swear her love knows no bounds - especially when its time to change my diaper.

I still seem to get those loving kisses on the head and little tickles on my tummy even when I've left her the most gruesome "inventory" known to mankind.

Yesterday was a little bit of a landmark day for us. We went to Babies-R-Us and I felt compelled to have a complete meltdown right there in aisle 3. I don't know, maybe I was a little gassy or just felt like turning up the volume but it wasn't good. Mommy handled it with style and grace while Daddy pretended it happens all the time and attempted to continue an intellectual conversation with Mommy comparing and contrasting jogging strollers. He doesn't fool me.


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